Recent News and Events
March 2025: The paper "Self-organized dynamics of a viscous drop with interfacial nematic activity" by Firouznia and Saintillan appeared as a Letter in Physical Review Research. Click here to download the article.
February 2025: The paper "The 2025 motile active matter roadmap" by Gompper et al. appeared in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Prof. Saintillan contributed an invited perspective on "Manipulation and assembly of passive objects by active particles". Click here to download the article.
January 2025: The paper "Stokes flow of an evolving fluid film with arbitrary shape and topology" by Zhu, Saintillan and Chern appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
November 2024: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Salt Lake City, UT.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Washington, DC: Jae Sung Park (U. Nebraska Lincoln), David Saintillan, Mohammadhossein Firouznia (Flatiron Institute), Tanumoy Dhar, Cuncheng Zhu.
October 2024: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited presentation at the John Brady Symposium at the California Institute of Technology.
September 2024: Welcome to Dalia Jackeline Margarito Barragan, who will be working as an undergraduate research intern in our research group this Fall quarter! Dalia is currently an undergraduate student in Aerospace Engineering at the Autonomous University of Baja California in Tijuana, Mexico.
September 2024: Welcome to Nicholas Broussinos who is joining the group at a Ph.D. candidate! Nick has an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Santa Barbara.
August 2024: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited lecture in the Thematic Session on Biological Fluid Mechanics at the 26th International Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) in Daegu, South Korea.
July 2024: Cuncheng Zhu presented his research at the 16th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) in Vancouver, Canada.
July 2024: Tanumoy Dhar and Yuzhu Chen attended the Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics in Boulder, CO, where they both presented their research.
June 2024: Prof. Saintillan participated in the Queer in Computational and Applied Mathematics (QCAM) Workshop at the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics of Brown University in Providence, RI.
June 2024: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited lecture on "Active nematic surfaces" at the Workshop on Computational Tools for PDEs with Complicated Geometries and Interfaces at the Flatiron Institute in New York, NY.
May 2024: The paper "Active transport of a passive colloids in a bath of run-and-tumble particles" by Dhar and Saintillan appeared in Scientific Reports. Click here to download the article.
May 2024: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited presentation at the Howard Brenner Memorial Symposium held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.
April 2024: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 17th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (So Cal Fluids XVII) at the University of California Irvine.
February 2024: Congratulations to Cuncheng Zhu for passing his Ph.D. Senate Exam!
January 2024: Prof. Saintillan gave invited lectures at the Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Mathematical Society, and at the Workshop on "Mathematics of Living Systems" at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences in Taipei, Taiwan.
January 2024: The paper "Self-diffusiophoresis with bulk reaction" by Brandão, Peng, Saintillan and Yariv appeared in Physivcal Review Fluids. Click here to download the article.
December 2023: Cuncheng Zhu and David Saintillan participated in the Mechanics of Life II workshop at the Center for Computational Biology of the Flatiron Institute in New York, NY.
December 2023: Congratulations to Yuzhu Chen for passing her Ph.D. Senate Exam!
December 2023: The paper "Dispersion of run-and-tumble microswimmers" by Saintillan appeared in Physical Review E. Click here to download the article.
December 2023: The paper "Interplay between mechanosensitive adhesions and membrane tension regulates cell motility" by Chen, Saintillan and Rangamani appeared in PRX Life. Click here to download the article.
November 2023: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Washington, DC.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Washington, DC: Harishankar Manikantan (U.C. Davis), Jae Sung Park (U. Nebraska Lincoln), David Saintillan, Tanumoy Dhar, Brato Chakrabarti (Flatiron Institute), Chenji Li (Purdue), Cuncheng Zhu, Yuzhu Chen, Amir Pahlavan (Yale).
November 2023: The paper "Chemomechanical model of sperm locomotion reveals two modes of swimming" by Li, Chakrabarti, Castilla, Mahajan and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review Fluids and was featured in UC San Diego Today. Click here to download the article.
September 2023: The paper "On the absence of collective motion in a bulk suspension of spontaneously rotating dielectric particles" by Das and Saintillan appeared in Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.
September 2023: Professor Saintillan visited the PMMH Laboratory at ESPCI as part of a Chaire ParisScience Invited Professorship.
August 2023: Congratulations to Mohammadhossein Firouznia for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation entitled: "Interfacially driven flows: from electrohydrodynamics to active interfaces"!
June 2023: The paper "A spectral boundary integral method for simulating electrohydrodynamic flows in viscous drops" by Firouznia, Bryngelson and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Computational Physics. Click here to download the article.
April 2023: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 16th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (So Cal Fluids XVI) at San Diego State University.
January 2023: The paper "Dynamics of flexible filaments in oscillatory shear flows" by Bonacci, Chakrabarti, Saintillan, du Roure and Lindner appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
January 2023: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited lecture at the Workshop on Active Matter in Complex Environments at the Aspen Center for Physics in Aspen, CO.
December 2022: The paper "Euchromatin activity enhances segregation and compaction of heterochromatin in the cell nucleus" by Mahajan, Yan, Zidovska, Saintillan and Shelley appeared in Physical Review X. Click here to download the article. Also see the news feature in UC San Diego Today.
November 2022: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Indianapolis, IN.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Indianapolis, IN: Chenji Li (Purdue), Amir Pahlavan (Yale), David Saintillan, Tanumoy Dhar, Jae Sung Park (U. Nebraska Lincoln), Mohammadhossein Firouznia, Yuzhu Chen.
October 2022: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited colloquium at the Institute of Science and Technology of Austria in Vienna.
June 2022: Congratulations to Tanumoy Dhar for receiving an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the MAE Department!
June 2022: Welcome to Ivana Grajales Sainz and Gustavo Pena Burboa, who are visiting the Saintillan Research Group as summer interns from Mexico as part of the ENLACE program.
June 2022: Mohammadhossein Firouznia presented his research at the 19th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Austin, TX.
May 2022: Prof. Saintillan gave an invited lecture at the Mechanics of Life Workshop at the Flatiron Institute in New York City, NY.
April 2022: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 15th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (So Cal Fluids XV) at the University of California Los Angeles.
January 2022: The paper "Self-induced hydrodynamic coil-stretch transition of active polymers" by Mahajan and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review E. Click here to download the article.
November 2021: The paper "Instability of a planar fluid interface under a tangential electric field in a stagnation point flow" by Firouznia, Miksis, Vlahovska and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
November 2021: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Phoenix, AZ.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Phoenix, AZ: Maxime Theillard (UC Merced), Achal Mahajan, Akhil Varma, Mohammadhossein Firouznia, David Saintillan, Brato Chakrabarti (Flatiron Institute), Jae Sung Park (U. Nebraska Lincoln), Harishankar Manikantan (UC Davis).
November 2021: Congratulations to Achal Mahajan for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation entitled: "From nano to micro: activity-driven self-organization of interphase chromatin"!
October 2021: The paper "Electrohydrodynamic instabilities in freely suspended viscous films under normal electric fields" by Firouznia and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review Fluids. Click here to download the article.
August 2021: The paper "Curvature-driven feedback on aggregation-diffusion of proteins in lipid bilayers" by Mahapatra, Saintillan and Rangamani appeared in Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.
May 2021: The paper "Signatures of elastoviscous buckling in the dilute rheology of stiff polymers" by Chakrabarti, Liu, du Roure, Lindner and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
April 2021: The paper "Spontaneous directional flow of active magnetic particles" by Nourhani and Saintillan appeared as a letter in Physical Review E. Click here to download the article.
April 2021: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 14th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (So Cal Fluids XIV).
March 2021: Prof. Saintillan presented a Keynote Lecture at the 2021 APS Virtual March Meeting.
March 2021: Congratulations to Arijit Mahapatra for passing his Ph.D. Senate Exam!
March 2021: The paper "A three-dimensional small-deformation theory for electrohydrodynamics of dielectric drops" by Das and Saintillan appeared in a special issue of Journal of Fluid Mechanics in celebration of the G. K. Batchelor centenary. Click here to download the article.
February 2021: The paper "Revisiting the emergence of order in active matter" by Chepizhko, Saintillan and Peruani appeared in Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.
November 2020: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 73st (Virtual) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics.
November 2020: The paper "Transport phenomena in fluid films with curvature elasticity" by Mahapatra, Saintillan and Rangamani appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
November 2020: The paper "Shear-induced dispersion in peristaltic flow" by Chakrabarti and Saintillan appeared in Physics of Fluids. Click here to download the article.
August 2020: The commentary "Physical mechanisms of platelet formation" by Saintillan appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Click here to download the article.
June 2020: The paper "Trapping, gliding, vaulting: Transport of semiflexible polymers in periodic post arrays" by Chakrabarti. Gaillard and Saintillan appeared in Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.
May 2020: Congratulations to Can Yang for successfully defending his M.S. Thesis entitled "Diffusion of run-and-tumble microswimmers in porous media"!
Can Yang M.S. Thesis Defense, with committee members Prof. Rangamani and Prof. Llewellyn Smith.
April 2020: The paper "Flexible filaments buckle into helicoidal shapes in strong compressional flows" by Chakrabarti et al. appeared in Nature Physics. Click here to access the article.
February 2020: Prof. Saintillan was an invited speaker at the Workshop on Microswimmers and Soft Robotics at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel.
November 2019: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 72st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Seattle, WA.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Seattle, WA: Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (Princeton), David Saintillan, Jae Sung Park (University of Nebraska Lincoln), Brato Chakrabarti, Achal Mahajan, Adrien Lefauve (Cambridge), Harishankar Manikantan (UC Davis).
November 2019: Congratulations to Brato Chakrabarti for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation entitled: "Problems on Viscous Dynamics of Passive and Active Microfilaments"! Brato will be joining the Center of Computational Biology of the Flatiron Institute as a Research Scientist.
November 2019: The paper "Hydrodynamic synchronization of spontaneously beating filaments" by Chakrabarti and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review Letters. Click here to download the article.
October 2019: Prof. Saintillan was a lecturer at the Short Course on Microswimmers at the Computational Science Research Center in Beijing, China.
August 2019: Prof. Saintillan was an invited speaker at the Shaqfeh Symposium in honor of the 60th birthday of Prof. Eric Shaqfeh at Stanford University, CA.
August 2019: Prof. Saintillan was an invited speaker at the 3D Nucleome Workshop at the Flatiron Institute in New York, NY.
August 2019: The paper "Computational mean-field modeling of confined active fluids" by Theillard and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Computational Physics. Click here to download the article.
July 2019: Prof. Saintillan was an invited speaker at the Physics of Active Matter workshop in Vina del Mar, Chile.
July 2019: Prof. Saintillan presented at Statphys 27 International Conference on Statistical Physics in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
June 2019: Prof. Saintillan joined the Editorial Board of Physical Review Fluids.
June 2019: Congratulations to Achal Mahajan for receiving an Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the MAE Department!
June 2019: Prof. Saintillan was a Discussion Leader at the Gordon Research Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics in Hong Kong, China.
June 2019: The paper "Interfacial instabilities in active viscous films" by Alonso-Matilla and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics as part of a special issue on Complex Fluids in Biological Systems. Click here to download the article.
June 2019: Prof. Saintillan and Brato Chakrabarti attended the Conference on Mathematical Fluids, Materials and Biology in honor of the 60th birthday of Michael J. Shelley in Ann Arbor, MI.
May 2019: The paper "Sharp numerical simulation of incompressible two-phase flows" by Theillard, Gibou and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Computational Physics. Click here to download the article.
April 2019: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 13th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (SoCal Fluids XIII) at the University of California Santa Barbara.
April 2019: Welcome to Charles Gaillard, who is visiting the Saintillan Research Group as an intern from Ecole Polytechnique, France.
April 2019: The paper "Spontaneous oscillations, beating patterns and hydrodynamics of active microfilaments" by Chakrabarti and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review Fluids. Click here to download the article.
April 2019: The paper "Transport and dispersion of active particles in periodic porous media" by Alonso-Matilla, Chakrabarti and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review Fluids. Click here to download the article.
November 2018: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Atlanta, GA.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Atlanta, GA: Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (MIT), Achal Mahajan, Brato Chakrabarti, Jae Sung Park (University of Nebraska Lincoln), David Saintillan, Harishankar Manikantan (UCSB), Adrien Lefauve (Cambridge).
David Saintillan and the class of 2018 APS/DFD Fellows in Atlanta, GA.
October 2018: The paper "Extensile motor activity drives coherent motions in a model of interphase chromatin" by Saintillan, Shelley and Zidovska appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Click here to download the article.
September 2018: Prof. Saintillan was elected 2018 Fellow of the American Physical Society. The citation reads: "For incisive analysis of suspension dynamics involving complex and active particles and including electrokinetic effects".
September 2018: The paper "Morphological transitions of elastic filaments in shear flow" by Liu, Chakrabarti, Saintillan, Lindner and du Roure appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Click here to download the article.
August 2018: Congratulations to Roberto Alonso-Matilla for successfully defending his dissertation entitled "Dispersion, rheology and microfluidic flow actuation of active particle suspensions". Roberto will be joining the group of Ben O'Shaughnessy at Columbia University as a postdoctoral researcher.
July 2018: Prof. Saintillan attended the Banff International Research Station workshop on Complex Fluids in Biological Systems in Banff, Canada.
April 2018: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 12th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (SoCal Fluids XII) at the University of Southern California.
April 2018: Congratulations to Piyush Prakash, who successfully defended his Master's thesis entitled "Geometric control of confined active flow".
March 2018: The paper "Microfluidic flow actuation using magnetoactive suspensions" by Alonso-Matilla and Saintillan appeared in Europhysics Letters. Click here to download the article.
March 2018: Prof. Saintillan attended the IMA Workshop on Electrohydrodynamics and Electrodiffusion in Material Sciences and Biology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN.
March 2018: The Saintillan Research Group attended the American Physical Society March Meeting in Los Angeles, CA.
February 2018: Prof. Saintillan joined the Editorial Board of Physical Review X.
November 2017: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Denver, CO.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Denver: Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (MIT), Brato Chakrabarti, Roberto Alonso-Matilla, David Saintillan, Harishankar Manikantan (UCSB), Debasish Das (Cambridge).
October 2017: The review paper "Rheology of active fluids" by Saintillan appeared in the 2018 issue of Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
October 2017: The paper "Electrohydrodynamics of viscous drops in strong electric fields: Numerical simulations" by Das and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
October 1-6 2017: Prof. Saintillan attended the Banff International Research Station workshop on "Complex Creeping Fluids: Numerical Methods and Theory" in Oaxaca, Mexico. Click here for a link to his lecture.
July 2017: Congratulations to Prof. Saintillan for his promotion to Full Professor.
July 2017: Prof. Saintillan was elected Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
April 22 2017:The Saintillan Research Group hosted the 11th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (So Cal Fluids XI) on the UCSD campus, with over 80 talks and 140 participants from more than 7 Southern California universities.
So Cal Fluids XI meeting on the UCSD campus, April 22 2017.
January 2017: The paper "Geometric control of active collective motion" by Theillard, Alonso-Matilla and Saintillan appeared in Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.
December 2016: The paper "A nonlinear small-deformation theory for transient droplet electrohydrodynamics" by Das and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
November 2016: David Saintillan participated on the diversity panel "All the Faces of Fluid Dynamics", chaired by David Hu of Georgia Tech, at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Portland, OR.
"All the Faces of Fluid Dynamics" panelists: Maria-Isabel Carniascali (University of New Haven), Arezoo Ardekani (Purdue University), David Saintillan, David Hu (Georgia Tech).
November 2016: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Portland, OR.
Some current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Portland: Maxime Theillard, Jae Sung Park University of Nebraska Lincoln), David Saintillan, Harishankar Manikantan (UC Santa Barbara).
September 2016: Welcome to Achal Mahajan and Piyush Prakash, who are joining the Saintillan Research Group this Fall! Achal received his master's degree from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in India and is a PhD candidate. Piyush holds a BS from UC Berkeley and is an MS candidate.
September 2016: Congratulations to Debasish Das for successfully defending his dissertation entitled "Electrohydrodynamics of particles and drops in strong electric fields". Debasish will be joining the group of Eric Lauga at Cambridge University as a postdoctoral fellow.
August 2016: Debasish Das and David Saintillan attended the 2016 International Congress on Theoretical Applied Mechanics in Montreal, Quebec, where they both presented their research.
July 2016: Congratulations to Brato Chakrabarti for successfully passing his doctoral qualifying exam!
July 2016: The Saintillan Research Group attended the workshop on Active Complex Matter in Cargese, Corsica, France, where Professor Saintillan gave an invited lecture.
July 2016: Maxime Theillard attended the 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, where he presented his research.
June 2016: The paper "Microfluidic rheology of active particle suspensions: Kinetic theory" by Alonso-Matilla, Ezhilan and Saintillan appeared in Biomicrofluidics. Click here to download the article.
April 2016: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 10th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (SoCal Fluids IX) at University of California Irvine.
April 2016: Professor Saintillan attended the workshop on Fluid Mechanics of Collective Behavior: From Cells to Organisms in Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland.
March 2016: Congratulations to Roberto Alonso-Matilla for receiving a 2016 Dinstinguished Fellowship Award from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering!
February 2016: Professor Saintillan received the 2014-2015 award for Teacher of the Year by the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCSD.
Professor David Saintillan and Dean Al Pisano.
January 2016: Congratulations to Barath Ezhilan for successfully defending his dissertation entitled "Fluid Dynamics of Active Suspensions: The Effects of Interparticle Interactions, External Fields and Confinement".
January 2016: The paper "Effect of flexibility on the growth of concentration fluctuations in a suspension of sedimenting fibers: Particle simulations" by Manikantan and Saintillan appeared in Physics of Fluids. Click here to download the article.
November 2015: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Boston, MA, where Harishankar Manikantan, Debasish Das, Roberto Alonso, and Maxime Theillard presented their research.
Current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in Boston. Top row: Maxime Theillard, Roberto Alonso, David Saintillan, Jae Sung Park (University of Wisconsin), Adrien Lefauve (Cambridge University), Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (MIT). Bottom row: Harishankar Manikantan (UCSB), Debasish Das.
October 2015: Congratulations to Harishankar Manikantan for successfully defending his dissertation entitled "Bending, Buckling, Tumbling, Trapping: Viscous Dynamics of Elastic Filaments". Harishankar will be joining the group of Todd Squires at UCSB as a postdoctoral fellow.
October 2015: The paper "Buckling transition of a semiflexible filament in extensional flow" by Manikantan and Saintillan appeared in Physical Review E: Rapid Communications. Click here to download the article.
September 2015: Welcome to Brato Chakrabarti, who is joining the Saintillan Research Group as a Ph.D. candidate this Fall! Brato is coming from Virginia Tech, where he recently obtained an M.S. in Engineering Mechanics.
September 2015: The paper "On the distribution and swim pressure of run-and-tumble particles in confinement" by Ezhilan, Alonso-Matilla and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
September 2015: The paper "Spontaneous flows in suspensions of active cyclic swimmers" by Brotto, Bartolo and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Nonlinear Science. Click here to download the article.
September 2015: Eva Kanso (University of Southern California) and David Saintillan co-edited a special issue of Journal of Nonlinear Science on "Emergent collective behavior: From fish schools to bacterial colonies". Click here to download the editorial note.
August 2015: The paper "Vapor-driven propulsion of catalytic micromotors" by Dong et al. appeared in Scientific Reports. Click here to download the article.
July 2015: The paper "Transport of a dilute active suspension in pressure-driven channel flow" by Ezhilan and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
June 2015: The paper "Emergent vortices in populations of colloidal rollers" by Bricard et al. appeared in Nature Communications. Click here to download the article.
April 2015: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 9th Southern California Flow Physics Symposium (SoCal Fluids IX) at San Diego State University in San Diego, CA.
April 2015: The paper "Motion-based threat detection using microrods: Experiments and numerical simulations" by Ezhilan et al. appeared in Nanoscale. Click here to download the article.
December 2014: The book chapter "Theory of Active Suspensions" by David Saintillan and Michael Shelley appeared as part of the volume Complex Fluids in Biological Systems (editor S. E. Spagnolie) published by Springer. Click here to download a reprint of the chapter.
November 2014: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in San Francisco, CA, where Barath Ezhilan, Harishankar Manikantan, and Debasish Das presented their research.
Current and past members of the Saintillan Research Group at the APS/DFD meeting in San Francisco. From left to right: Barath Ezhilan, Maxime Theillard, Roberto Alonso, David Saintillan, Jae Sung Park (University of Wisconsin), and Debasish Das.
October 2014: Barath Ezhilan, Harishankar Manikantan, and David Saintillan attended the 86th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology in Philadelphia, PA, where Barath and Harishankar both presented their research.
September 2014: The paper "The instability of a sedimenting suspension of weakly flexible fibres" by Manikantan, Li (U. Wisconsin), Spagnolie (U. Wisconsin) and Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
September 2014: Welcome to Maxime Theillard, who recently joined the Saintillan Research Group as a postdoctoral researcher. Maxime obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Santa Barbara.
September 2014: Welcome to Maxime Bollard, who is visiting the Saintillan Research Group as an undergraduate intern. Maxime is currently a student at Ecole Centrale Lyon in France.
July 2014: Congratulations to Roberto Alonso for successfully passing his PhD qualifying exam in Mechanical Engineering!
July 2014: Barath Ezhilan attended the 2014 SIAM Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, where he presented his research on confined active suspensions.
June 30 - July 4 2014: David Saintillan coordinated (with D. Bartolo, ENS Lyon) the 2014 Summer School on "Flowing Soft Matter: Bridging the Gap Between Statistical Physics and Fluid Mechanics" at the International Center of Mechanical Sciences (CISM) in Udine, Italy, where he also taught three lectures on the "Fluid Mechanics of Active Suspensions."
May 2014: The paper "Bubble-propelled micromotors for enhanced transport of passiver tracers" by Orozco et al. appeared in Langmuir. Click here to download the article.
April 12 2014 The Saintillan research group attended the 8th Southern California Fluids Meeting at UCLA, where Barath Ehilan and Harishankar Manikantan both presented their research.
March 2014: The 'Focus on Fluids' article "Swimming in shear" by David Saintillan appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. The article discusses recent work by Hwang and Pedley on the effects of an external shear flow on bioconvection patterns and can be downloaded here.
February 2014: The paper "Globally aligned states and hydrodynamic traffic jams in confined suspensions of active asymmetric particles" by Adrien Lefauve and David Saintillan appeared as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review E. Click here to download the article.
January 2014: Barath Ezhilan and David Saintillan attended the Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conference on Active Fluids: Bridging Complex Fluids and Biofluids in Aspen, CO (co-organized by A. Ardekani, E. Lauga, Y. Renardy, D. Saintillan and J. Zhang). Click here for more photos of the meeting.
November 2013: Barath Ezhilan, Harishankar Manikantan, and Debasish Das presented their research at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Pittsburgh, PA.
Current and past members of the Saintillan Research group at the APS/DFD meeting in Pittsburgh. From left to right: Ku Da, Debasish Das, David Saintillan, Jae Sung Park (University of Wisconsin), Harishankar Manikantan, and Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (MIT).
October 2013: The paper "The sedimentation of flexible filaments" by Lei Li (U. Wisconsin), Harishankar Manikantan, David Saintillan, and Saverio Spagnolie (U. Wisconsin) appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
August 2013: Congratulations to Debasish Das for successfully passing his PhD qualifying exam in Mechanical Engineering!
July 28-31 2013: Debasish Das presented his research on Quincke electrorotation at the 2013 Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science in Providence, RI.
July 2013: Our recent work (by Barath Ezhilan, Michael J. Shelley and David Saintillan) on the dynamics of concentrated active suspensions was featured on the cover of the July issue of Physics of Fluids. Also read the corresponding article here.
July 2013: The review paper "Active suspensions and their nonlinear models" by David Saintillan and Michael J. Shelley appeared in a special thematic issue of Comptes Rendus Physique on "Living Fluids". Click here to download the article.
July 2013: The paper "Instabilities and nonlinear dynamics in concentrated active suspensions" by Barath Ezhilan, Michael J. Shelley and David Saintillan appeared in a special section of Physics of Fluids on "Mobile Particulate Systems: Kinematics, Rheology and Complex Phenomena". Click here to download the article. Also see the report on the 2012 IUTAM symposium on the same topic, coauthored by P.R. Nott, R.H. Davis, M. Reeks, D. Saintillan and S. Sundaresan and published in the same issue.
July 2013: The paper "Subdiffusive transport of fluctuating elastic filaments in cellular flows" by Harishankar Manikantan and David Saintillan appeared in Physics of Fluids. Click here to download the article.
April 2013: The paper "Electrohydrodynamic interaction of spherical particles under Quincke rotation" by Debasish Das and David Saintillan appeared in Physical Review E. Click here to download the article.
March 2013: Congratulations to Harishankar Manikantan for receiving the 2013 James O. Smith Memorial Award, which recognizes graduate students in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics who are judged to be the most effective teaching assistants!
January 2013: Congratulations to Harishankar Manikantan for successfully passing his PhD qualifying exam in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics!
January 2013: Welcome to Adrien Lefauve, who will be an undergraduate research intern in the Saintillan Research Group this semester! Adrien is currently finishing his B.S. at Université Technologique de Compiègne in France.
December 2012: Our research on biological fluids was featured on the MechSE website. Click here to read the article.
November 2012: Barath Ezhilan, Harishankar Manikantan, and Debasish Das presented their research at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in San Diego, CA.
Current and past members of the Saintillan Research group at the APS/DFD meeting in San Diego. From left to right: Harishankar Manikantan, Jae Sung Park (University of Wisconsin), Barath Ezhilan, David Saintillan, Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan (MIT).
November 2012: David Saintillan attended the 2012 Fluid and Elasticity workshop in La Jolla, CA, where he presented joint work with Harishankar Manikantan on the dynamics of semiflexible biopolymers in microscale flows.
November 2012: Debasish Das and Harishankar Manikantan presented their research at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in Pittsburgh, PA.
September 2012: The paper "Chaotic dynamics and oxygen transport in thin films of aerotactic bacteria" by Barath Ezhilan, Amir Alizadeh Pahlavan and David Saintillan appeared as a letter in Physics of Fluids. Click here to download the article.
September 2012: David Saintillan's book chapter "Kinetic models for biologically active suspensions" appeared in the IMA Volume Natural Locomotion in Fluids and on Surfaces: Swimming, Flying and Sliding (editors S. Childress, A. Hosoi, W. W. Schultz, Z. J. Wang) published by Springer. Click here to download a preprint of the chapter.
August 2012: Welcome to Ku Da, who joined the University of Illinois and the Saintillan Research Group! Ku Da comes from Hangzhou, China, and holds a B.S. from Zhejiang University.
July 2012: Congratulations to Debasish Das for completing his M.S. degree. His M.S. thesis is entitled: "Electrohydrodynamic interactions of colloidal particles undergoing Quincke rotation."
July 2012: Ramanathan Vishnampet and David Saintillan's paper "Concentration instability of sedimenting spheres in a second-order fluid" appeared in Physics of Fluids. Click here to download the article.
June 25 - July 7 2012: Barath Ezhilan, Harishankar Manikantan and David Saintillan attended the Softflow 2012 summer school on Biological Complex Fluids in Cargese, Corsica.
June 2012: Jae Sung Park's computational work on electrophoretic deposition was featured on the cover of "Electrophoretic deposition: Fundamentals and Applications IV" (Key Engineering Materials, vol. 507).
June 11-15 2012: Harishankar Manikantan and Jae Sung Park presented their research at the ACS Colloids 2012 Symposium of the American Chemical Society in Baltimore, MD.
May 3 2012: Congratulations to Jae Sung Park for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled: "Collective behavior of colloidal suspensions under electric fields and confinement."
April 2012: Congratulations to Harishankar Manikantan for completing his M.S. degree. His M.S. thesis is entitled: "Dynamics of semiflexible filaments in a viscous fluid."
April 2012: Congratulations to Harishankar Manikantan for receiving an FMC Educational Fund Fellowship!
February 2012: David Saintillan has been awarded a 2012 National Science Foundation CAREER award on "Electrochemical transport of fluid, particles, and macromolecules through nanochannels and nanopores". Click here for more details.
February 2012: David Saintillan has been offered a one-month invited professorship at ESPCI in Paris France, funded by TOTAL, as part of a new chair on "Sciences focused on Energies, Carbon, and the Environment". The goal of the Chair is to develop knowledge and novel, viable, and environmentally friendly solutions for the production, storage, and use of energy and carbon. Click here for more details.
January 23-27 2012: David Saintillan attended the IUTAM Symposium on "Mobile Particulate Systems: Kinematic, Rheology, and Complex Phenomena" organized by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
January 2012: Congratulations to Barath Ezhilan for successfully passing his Ph.D. qualifying examination!
January 2012: David Saintillan and Michael Shelley's paper "Emergence of coherent structures and large-scale flows in motile suspensions" appeared in the Journal of the Royal Society - Interface. Click here to download the article.
December 2011: Congratulations to Barath Ezhilan for completing his M.S. degree. His M.S. thesis is entitled: "Three-dimensional kinetic simulations of active suspensions: effect of chemotaxis and steric interactions."
November 20-22 2011: Jae Sung Park and Barath Ezhilan presented their research at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society in Baltimore, MD.
November 13 2011: David Saintillan received the 2011 Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal in Mechanical Engineering at the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress. The PTS Gold Medal is awarded to an engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering within ten years following receipt of the baccalaureate degree.
October 2011: Jae Sung Park and David Saintillan's paper "From diffusive motion to local aggregation: Effect of surface contamination in dipolophoresis" appeared in the journal Soft Matter. Click here to download the article.