Group Members
Principal Investigator
Current Members
Past Members
Current members of the Saintillan Research Group (December 2024): David Saintillan, Tanumoy Dhar, Dalia Barragan, Nick Broussinos, Cuncheng Zhu, Yuchen Hou, Yuzhu Chen.
Current members of the Saintillan Research Group (December 2024): David Saintillan, Tanumoy Dhar, Dalia Barragan, Nick Broussinos, Cuncheng Zhu, Yuchen Hou, Yuzhu Chen.
March 2025: The paper "Self-organized dynamics of a viscous drop with interfacial nematic activity" by Firouznia and Saintillan appeared as a Letter in Physical Review Research. Click here to download the article.
February 2025: The paper "The 2025 motile active matter roadmap" by Gompper et al. appeared in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. Prof. Saintillan contributed an invited perspective on "Manipulation and assembly of passive objects by active particles". Click here to download the article.
January 2025: The paper "Stokes flow of an evolving fluid film with arbitrary shape and topology" by Zhu, Saintillan and Chern appeared in Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Click here to download the article.
November 2024: The Saintillan Research Group attended the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Salt Lake City, UT.